House Rent – Deduction of 5% of Basic Pay on Allotment of Government Residence dt 15.01.2000
Subject: Allotment of Government Residence
I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that it has been observed during the course of follow-up of audit reports that there are numerous audit objections on the accounts of almost all formations regarding non-deduction of 5% House Rent. In some cases, audits assess recovery of house rent allowance and rent on an average basis, but the field offices are not in a position to defend themselves in the absence of a properly-maintained record. There are also certain misunderstandings regarding the deduction of 5% house rent.
2. For better understanding, the instructions already issued on the subject from time to time are being reproduced for guidance and to be followed in letter and spirit:
- The House Rent Allowance of 45% in case of a big City and 30% in other cases is not permissible to draw when the facility of official accommodation (above or below category) is availed by Govt. Servant.
- In case spouses are posted at the same station, only one of them can draw House Rent Allowance.
- In case official residence is allotted to spouses at the same station, both cannot draw House Rent Allowance. However, deduction of 5% will be only of one spouse to whom the house has been allotted.
- As per existing Rules and Regulations, rent-free accommodation i.e., non-deduction of 5% is permissible in case of a residential job.
- In case one-room bachelor or two-rooms family accommodation in a hostel is provided to Govt. servant, rent shall be assessed by the PWD for deduction, and the occupant will be allowed to draw House Rent Allowance.
- In case of designated residence, the officer/official for which residence is meant cannot draw House Rent Allowance and will have to pay 5% house rent even if he does not avail the facility and residence remains vacant during the period.
- In case Govt. Servant is allotted below entitlement residence, he will not be allowed to draw House Rent Allowance and will have to pay house rent on a 5% minimum scale of the category for which the residence is meant. In case Govt. Servants is allotted above entitlement he will not allowed to draw house rent Allowance and will pay 10% of maximum of scale of which residence is meant.
- Draw of House Rent Allowance through monthly salary is the responsibility of the DDO for non-gaze-ted staff and joint responsibility in case of Gaze-ted Staff. Therefore, allowance may be allowed only on submission of judicial paper regarding non-availability of the facility.
- In case of un-authorized draw not only recipient defaulters but DDO will also be liable to be proceeded against under revised E&D Rules, 1999 for recovery.
- All the field officers are requested to maintain a pool register comprising information regarding availability of residential facility. One page should be for one residence where proper entry regarding allotment, possession and recovered/recoverable amounts may be mentioned and in case of vacancy, proper certificate be given on the register.