Reconciliation of Accounts dt 31.05.2011
Subject: Reconciliation of Accounts
Kindly refer to Additional Accountant General, office of the Accountant General Punjab’s letter No. A/C-IV/Distt: Govt/Recon/2010- 11/HM/849 dated 21.05.2011 addressed to your office and copy endorsed to this department, wherein it is pointed out that most of the DAOs are not submitting status report of reconciliation of receipts and expenditure on the prescribed proforma duly accepted by the PAOs/DDOs.
2. You are directed to submit the reconciliation statements (Receipts/Expenditure) for the month of May, 2011 and onward to the office of the A.G. Punjab, on the prescribed proforma along with monthly accounts, and kept one copy in your office record for audit scrutiny, under intimation to this department.