Application of Rule 4.49-STR on Forest Cheques dt 26.08.2024
Subject: Rule 4.49-STR on Forest Cheques
Reference your letter No. B&A/Acct/A-1-34/941 dated 29th April, 2024 on the subject noted above.
2. Â Â The case has been examined. The Administrative Department is informed that the petty cash/ imprest amount is dealt under Rule 2.8 (1), Punjab Financial Rules (PFR), Volume-I and bills of Contingent Charges are dealt under Rule 4.49, Punjab Subsidiary Treasury Rules. While the Administrative Department carries its Forestry Works under Rule 16.1, PFR Volume-I and payments are processed as Forest Advance under Punjab Forest Manual, Volume-II, which has no relation with petty cash.
3. The Administrative Department is advised to continue its Forestry Works under Rule 16.1, PFR Vol-1 instead of intermingling with imprest account.