Judicious Use of Electricity dt 22.08.2017
Subject: Use of Electricity
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to enclose herewith a copy of circular letter No.SO(W-I)S&GAD/14-2/88(Vol-I), dated 16.08.2017 (which is self-explanatory), received from the Section Officer (Welfare-I), Government of the Punjab, S&GAD, for information and further necessary action accordingly.
I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter of even No dated 09.11.2016 and to state that Pakistan is facing energy crisis since long and efforts are being made to resolve this issue. Long terms as well as short terms plans are under way to get ride off the crisis. It is imperative to make efficient use of available energy resources. The Competent Authority has taken serious notice regarding unnecessary use of electricity in Government Offices and has advised to follow the following instructions in letter and spirit:
i. Use of lights trap/skylights may be adopted to make maximum use of natural light during working hours i.e. 8 am to 4 pm.
ii. Improve the maintenance schedule with best practice of replacing the defective energy meters and electric appliances with the installation of effective energy meters and appliances.
iii. Replacing tubes and bulbs with energy savers and LED lights is a noticeable energy saving activity as the later consume least energy with maximum life. Therefore, such replacement will continuously reduce electricity bills for purchasing the tube light.
iv. Unnecessary lightings, i.e. 8-10 lights in a single room with one official sitting is certainly luxuries use of energy. Reducing the number of lights, whitewashing the rooms, using point lights or table lamps would bring down the energy losses as well.
v. Insulation of sun facing walls in AC rooms is recommended to improve natural ambient temperature.
vi. The installations of door closers in AC rooms bring large benefits. The building managers are therefore, advised to fix door closers in all of their air-conditioned rooms.
vii. The estimated value of heat losses through the spaces around doors/windows is quite large for air-conditioned rooms. A big saving can be easily achieved by providing appropriate packing in the spaces around doors / windows.
viii. Energy consumption in operation of ACs can be reduced by about 20 percent through various arrangements like controlling the time of operation (switch off the unit when incumbency is away), timely maintenance of AC units, putting the thermostats above 26° C, using ceiling fan, insulating the sun facing wall (s) of the AC room insulate cracks at doors/windows, use door closers.
ix. The use of electric heaters/electric geysers during winter months also presents alarming bills. Their use may be officially banned (where gas connection is available) to save energy.
x. Non entitled use of air conditioners be stopped at once.
2. I am further directed to request you to issue directions to your subordinate offices regarding the implementation of above mentioned instructions in letter and spirit.