Admissibility of Computer Allowance -AG dt 23.12.2021
Subject: Admissibility of Computer Allowance
Please find enclosed a copy of Director General Health Service Punjab letter bearing No. 9881/Accounts dated 23.11.2021 on the subject captioned above.
2. Computer Allowance at the prescribed rates was admissible to KPO/DEO/Data processing Officer/Key Punch verifying Operators etc. of the Punjab Government vide letter No. F.D-SR-1-9/7/1985 dated: -20-07-1985 and other instructions issued from time to time.
3. After issuance of Finance Department Letter No F.D/PC 40-43/17/(E). dated: 14-12-2018, all such computer related posts have been redesignated as Junior Computer Operator, Computer Operator and Senior Computer Operator. Under the given circumstances this office may be guided that: –
- Whether Computer Allowance will continue to be admissible to such Computer Operators as was previously drawn by KPO/DEO/Data Processing/KPVO etc. on redesignation w.e.f 14-12-2018 or otherwise.
- At what rates, such computer allowance shall be paid to the re-designated posts of Computer Operators.