Admissibility of Computer Allowance dt 22.11.2022
Subject: Computer Allowance
I am directed to refer to your letter No.TM-1/2-3A(iv)/2020-21/2871, dated 28.04.2022 on the subject noted above and to advise that the case of Mr. Faraz Ahmad, Statistical Computer (BS-12) is not covered under the policy for grant of Computer Allowance. The newly revised posts of Junior Computer Operator, Computer Operator and Senior Computer Operator are not entitled to the grant of Computer Allowance @ Rs.750/- per month as the said allowance is admissible only to the categories of Key Punch Operators / Key Punch Verifying Operators / Data Entry Operators vide Finance Department’s policy letter No.FD.SR-I/28-1/2003, dated 27.12.2004.