Responsibility of Pre Audit Staff dt 24.11.2007
Subject: Responsibility of Pre Audit Staff
Kindly refer to the subject as cited above!
2. While discussing on how to reduce the quantum of audit observations” audit paras, the Quarterly Review Committee, in its meeting held on 11.09.2007. observed that the quantum of audit objections on the expenditure side of the accounts of the Provincial Government reflected a relaxed pre-audit check in the respective offices of the Accountant General, Punjab, District Accounts Officers and Divisional Accounts Officers. Further, since no withdrawal of money could be made without pre-check, the pre-audit system needs to be strengthened. The Committee finally resolved that the pro-audit staff, may be made equally responsible and accountable, along with the DDOS, for veracity of accounts and propriety of expenditure.
3. The matter has been examined and Finance Department has decided to affirm the aforesaid recommendations of the Quarterly Review Committee, in line with its earlier instructions, on the relevant subject, contained in letter No. FD(M-1)1-lil/98, dated 18th May, 1999 and No. FD (M-1)III-2/87, dated 27th February, 1994 (copies enclosed).
4. I am, therefore, directed to request you to take further necessary action accordingly, under intimation to this Department.