Countersignature on Last Pay Certificate LPC of BS01 to BS15 by the A G Punjab or District Accounts Officers 14.07.1999
Subject: Countersignature on Last Pay Certificate LPC
Kindly refer to this department’s letter No.IT(FD)3-8/98, dated 17.2.1998, wherein it was inter-alia directed that the Last Pay Certificate (LPC) of non-gazetted employees of the Education Department issued by the respective Drawing and Disbursing Officers(DDOS) on appointment/transfer/adjustment in another district, as prescribed, shall be countersigned by the office of the Accountant General, Punjab/District Accounts Officer (DAO), as the case be, after consulting the relevant record of the concerned officials. This requirement had earlier been enforced by the A.G. Punjab vide his letter No.TM-1/2-5/97-98/635, dated 1.9.1997.
2. It has now been decided that the Last Pay Certificate (LPC) issued by DDOS in respect of non-gazetted ’employees (BS 1-15) of all departments shall be countersigned by the A.G. Punjab/DAOS respectively, after consulting the relevant record viz; orders of appointment/service book/transfer orders/charge relieving reports etc., so as to establish and verify the bona fides of the concerned government servant(s) especially with regard to their appointment, rate(s) of pay and allowances, and other aspects pertaining to their service. This requirement is being enforced to obviate financial irregularities and fraudulent withdrawals of pay and allowances by fictitious adjustments of non-gazetted employees, and to ward-off cases where no appointment(s) had ab-initio been made under the government.
3. It is accordingly directed that the above requirement may be enforced with immediate effect. It may be noted that the concerned officer(s) of the AG Punjab, and the respective District Accounts Officer shall be held personally responsible, alongwith the DDO, for any wrong verification/countersignature of the L.P.C.