Pay for Leave Encashment LPR 20.02.2003
Subject: Leave Encashment
I am directed to refer to this Department’s Circular Letter No. FD.SR.B1- 53/83, dated 04.06.1984 on the subject cited above and to say that the Chief Minister Punjab has been pleased to amend the Clause “Pay” of above referred Circular, which should now be read as under:
Pay for the purposes of encashment of L.P.R. includes Basic Pay, Special Pay, Technical Pay, Personal Pay and any other emoluments that may be specifically classed as “Pay” by the competent authority. A civil servant who opts for encashment of L.P.R may either draw leave pay for the period for which L.P.R is admissible subject to a maximum of 180 days in Jump sum after retirement or on month-to-month basis during such period. The amount of leave pay may be determined at the rate of pay admissible at the time “Leave Pay” is drawn for the actual period of such leave.
2. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.